This is the Season of Creation – a time when we remember that creation is central to our life and faith and worship – not something optional or intermittent. This year we are weaving together the world-wide ecumenical theme, “to hope and act with creation” with its imagery of figs as signs of both abundance and faithfulness, and a taste of the Godly Play approach to wondering aloud together. Today and every day, we all are children of God, and siblings with creation.
Weekly Scripture – Micah 4:1-4 & Mark 11:12-14 & 1-25
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to hope and act with creation – Sky & Sea
Here we seek to grow.
Here we seek to be courageous allies.
Here we seek to be open and affirming.
Here we seek to honor each other’s story.
Here we seek to welcome each other’s mistakes.
This is the Season of Creation – a time when we remember that creation is central to our life and faith and worship – not something optional or intermittent. This year we are weaving together the world-wide ecumenical theme, “to hope and act with creation” with its imagery of figs as signs of both abundance and faithfulness, and a taste of the Godly Play approach to wondering aloud together. Today and every day, we all are children of God, and siblings with creation.
Weekly scripture – Jeremiah 24:1-10 & Luke 21:29-33
Out of the Ordinary: Ripe for Judgement or Flourishing?
Today, we conclude our worship series drawing on several texts from the prophet Amos, who was known as the “Lion of God.” More than almost any other book of Scripture, the book of Amos holds God’s people accountable for their ill-treatment of the widow, the orphan, and the stranger – who are not merely specific individuals, but represent God’s beloved creatures who are systemically oppressed and excluded. Amos repeatedly points out the failure of the people to fully embrace God’s idea of justice.
Weekly scripture – Luke 13:1-9 & Amos 8:1-7, 11, 9:11-15
Out of the Ordinary: Joy Comes in The Morning
Prayer of Our Human Condition Sue Magrath
Holy One, we come to you bearing the woes of the world, burdened by our own cares and the cares of our loved ones, our communities, our nation and our ecosystem.
Hear us as we cry out for mercy, justice, peace, and healing.
When wars tear apart nations and peoples, help us be messengers of peace.
When our mother earth burns, destroying forests, homes, livelihoods, and communities, help us respond with compassion to those impacted while also being aware of the larger picture, which cries out for us to commit ourselves to environmental action.
When our nation is stuck in the polarization of our political climate, help us to listen to our neighbors, seek to understand, and speak our own truth in a way that leads to peace.
When our neighbors suffer unspeakable loss from illness, death, or divorce, help us to care for them with listening ears and a compassionate heart.
When our own families are in crisis or conflict, help us to cling to love, to listen with our hearts rather than our anger, and to extend grace and forgiveness even when we don’t feel like it.
Help us to remember that all things are temporary except your love, which is everlasting. While we may experience pain and sorrow, help us trust that joy does indeed come with the morning.
Weekly Scripture – Galatians 6:1-10. & Psalms 30:1-5
Out of the Ordinary: A Flood is Coming
Holy One, Just and Merciful;
we admit that we put other things above you in our lives.
we say we long for you,
but actually, we long for more money and more comfort.
Holy One, your liberation cannot free us
if our hearts remain captive to anything but you.
We confess our open rebellion against you.
Our priorities are not yours – our justice is self-serving.
Holy One, we have failed to worship you with our hearts.
Our religious gatherings are hollow
because our hearts are slaves to lesser things.
We pay you a visit on Sunday,
but we long to go home to our other gods.
Holy One, we confess that we break your heart.
We gather before you half-heartedly,
waiting to go back to worshipping ourselves.
When we truly worship you,
we will seek good and not evil.
Holy One, have mercy.
Renew our hearts within us.
Make us long for you, O God.
Weekly Scripture – Luke 12:35-48 & Amos 5:14-27