We continue this Sunday with our worship series, “Come to the Table.” Today, we hear the call to dine with Jesus – an invitation that means much more than a simple eating experience. It never was simply about eating with Jesus. The table was the place where he fed people, and also challenged them to acts of hospitality that reflect God’s way. When we say “yes” to the place at Christ’s table, we accept a way of life that embraces God’s definition of love, peace, grace, and joy.
Weekly scripture – Matthew 22:1-14
A Call for Peace
“I No Longer Pray for Peace” by Ann Weems
On the edge of war, one foot already in,
I no longer pray for peace:
I pray for miracles.
I pray that stone hearts will turn
to tenderheartedness,
and evil intentions will turn
to mercifulness,
and all the soldiers already deployed
will be snatched out of harm’s way,
and the whole world will be
astounded onto its knees.
I pray that all the “God talk”
will take bones,
and stand up and shed
its cloak of faithlessness,
and walk again in its powerful truth.
I pray that the whole world might
sit down together and share
its bread and its wine.
Some say there is no hope,
but then I’ve always applauded the holy fools
who never seem to give up on
the scandalousness of our faith:
that we are loved by God……
that we can truly love one another.
I no longer pray for peace:
I pray for miracles.
Let us pray.
Holy One, send miracles. Amen.
Come to The Table of Peace
Today we continue with our current worship series, “Come to the Table.”
The table of peace can take almost any shape. Our table this week is a conference table, perhaps depicting where two or more parties meet to negotiate the terms of a contract, a settlement, or a ceasefire. For Jesus, peacemaking was often found in the act of sharing a meal with people who would have been considered “outsiders.” We like to imagine Jesus in perfect harmony with everyone who gathered with him at the table —but perhaps sometimes even he held his breath when he brought people together with opposing viewpoints. Today we come to the table of peace, ready to practice patience and compassion, even when we disagree.
Scripture of the week – Colossians 3:9b-17 & Matthew 18:18-22
Laity Sunday: Making Space
Laity Sunday is a day set aside to remember and lift up a constant reality: the priesthood and ministry of all. Every person on the planet is invited to share in God’s community of healing, love, justice, and world repair.
Laity Sunday is a special Sunday defined by General Conference “to celebrate the ministry of all Christians.” Laity Sunday is one way we express the core Christian conviction that all are called to participate in God’s mission to create healthy, flourishing life in the world.
This year, the emphasis is on discipleship and healthy words that encourage love and abundant life together.
But first, we need to acknowledge the pain and distress we are in over the violence erupting in what we call the Holy Land.
Jerusalem means the City of the Peace of God. And once again, there is out right war in its streets and environs.
Weekly Scripture: Matthew 6:24-34 & Matthew 10:1,5-14
Regeneration: Raise Up Creative
This is the final installment of our Season of Creation theme “Let Justice and Peace Flow Like a Mighty River,” it is the Sunday closest to the Feast of St. Francis, and it is World Communion Sunday – the occasion for our special denominational offering to support racial and ethnic students in achieving their educational goals and transforming communities. Your generosity continues to provide scholarships, grants, mentoring, and training for leadership development. Fifty percent of the offering provides scholarships for graduate students from the U.S. and other countries. Thirty-five percent supports racial and ethnic scholarships scholarships pursuing ordained ministry and includes a mentoring program. Fifteen percent funds Ethnic-In-Service Training Grant for leadership development, recruitment, training, and retention of ethnic United Methodist persons in leadership positions in every level of the church and its ministry.
Weekly scripture – Romans 15:14-21 & Ezekiel 36:8-12