Holy One, Just and Merciful;
we admit that we put other things above you in our lives.
we say we long for you,
but actually, we long for more money and more comfort.
Holy One, your liberation cannot free us
if our hearts remain captive to anything but you.
We confess our open rebellion against you.
Our priorities are not yours – our justice is self-serving.
Holy One, we have failed to worship you with our hearts.
Our religious gatherings are hollow
because our hearts are slaves to lesser things.
We pay you a visit on Sunday,
but we long to go home to our other gods.
Holy One, we confess that we break your heart.
We gather before you half-heartedly,
waiting to go back to worshipping ourselves.
When we truly worship you,
we will seek good and not evil.
Holy One, have mercy.
Renew our hearts within us.
Make us long for you, O God.
Weekly Scripture – Luke 12:35-48 & Amos 5:14-27
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