Today, we begin a new worship series drawing on several texts from the prophet Amos, who was known as the “Lion of God.” More than almost any other book of Scripture, the book of Amos holds God’s people accountable for their ill-treatment of the widow, the orphan, and the stranger – who are not merely specific individuals, but represent God’s beloved creatures who are systemically oppressed and excluded. Amos repeatedly points out the failure of the people to fully embrace God’s idea of justice.
Ancient Words
Holy words, long preserved,
for our walk in this world;
they resound with God’s own heart,
O let the ancient words impart.
Words of life, words of hope,
give us strength, help us cope;
in this world wheve’er we roam,
ancient words will guide us home.
Ancient words, ever true,
changing me and changing you;
we have come with open hearts,
O let the ancient words impart.
Weekly Scripture – Luke 18:18-30 & Amos 5:6-15
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