Advent is a season of endings and beginnings. As the calendar year nears its end, a new church year rushes in. Christ’s birth ushers us into new ways of living and loving – and yet, we feel the weight of many things coming to an end. The world as we know it spins madly on. Advent starts as another election season is ending. We want to ponder together all we will need in order to move faithfully through this threshold.
Our visual theme for the season is inspired by quilting because we want this this series to feel like a blanket wrapped around us, providing warmth and comfort as we begin again. Like a quilt formed by scraps of old fabrics and meaningful family items, this worship series stitches together the ancient scriptures and reminders we need to hear again and again. The medium of quilting is an ancient craft – dating as far back as 3400 BCE – but it is seeing a modern-day resurgence. Quilts have been used for physical protection, comfort, ceremonies, abolition, family heirlooms, advocacy, and more. Quilting is a medium that transcends countless cultures, regions, and time periods, but is a craft rooted in community and storytelling. The first quilt square is a simplified abstract image of the angel Gabriel who tells Mary she is “blessed among women.”
Weekly Scripture – Isaiah 43:1-4, Luke 1:26-29, & Luke 1:26-38
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