Later this week, on October 24, our sister Billie Kennedy will turn 99! If you’d like to send her a card, you can get her address from the church office or the latest directory.
Come to the table of grace
Come to the table of grace
This is God’s table, it’s not yours or mine
Come to the table of grace!
Welcome to our new worship series, “Come to the Table.” At the table of grace, there is always more than enough to go around.
Everybody makes mistakes, and we have all needed forgiveness at some point and gentle guidance to adjust and make amends.
Grace doesn’t keep track of how many times we’ve messed up, and it doesn’t hinge on the condition that next time, we’ll do better. Grace exists outside of time and says we are enough, right now and always, no matter what.
Weekly scripture – Matthew 20:1-16
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