Today you may contribute toward the Human Relations Sunday Offering, one of our six denominational offerings every year. The Human Relations Day offering supports social justice and outreach ministries that empower all God’s children to realize their full potential as human beings in relationship with one another. In a world that often feels uncertain, embracing God’s love shifts our perspective. Supporting the Human Relations Day offering channels our resources into servant leadership, community building, and ministries that embody peace with justice. Please give generously to this Special Sunday by writing a check to Pioneer UMC and designating “Human Relations Day offering” in the memo line.
But first, let us seek to simplify this moment, slow down for a time. Let us worship, leaning on prayer, reflection and sharing with one another.
This week’s Psalm text brings home this message: we are in an intimate relationship with God. There is nowhere we go that God is not present–no state of our being that results in our being abandoned. God has knit us together, has woven us, knowing us from before our beginning. God, indeed, is holding our lives.
Turn now your gaze upon the earth.
Where is the One who never sleeps?
We call the One who guards you now,
your spirit safe in holy keep.
God is holding your life. God is holding your life.
God is holding your life, we believe.
God is holding your life. God is holding your life.
God is holding your life, we believe.
Turn now your gaze upon the earth.
Where is the One who never sleeps?
We call the One who guards you now,
your spirit safe in holy keep.
God is holding your life.
God is holding your life.
God is holding your life, we believe.
God is holding your life.
God is holding your life.
God is holding your life, we believe.
Weekly scripture – Psalm 139 & John 1:43-51
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