On this sixth Sunday of Eastertide, we continue our theme of Resurrection Stories. Household keys are the anchor image for this series. Our faith holds the “key to our own resurrection.” We are invited to name the things that have us “locked up” in our lives and to “unlock” our own resurrection – finding ways to live more fully and more free.
Over the last two weeks, members of The United Methodist Church gathered in Charlotte, NC, for the postponed 2020 General Conference. Early in the plenary process, the body voted to “regionalize” – allowing United Methodists in various parts of the world to make some adjustments to the Book of Discipline to reflect their contexts, and to place the central conferences in Africa, Asia, and Europe on equal par with the United States. While the General Conference made many other important decisions, we want to lift up some specific changes that relate to the full inclusion of LGBTQ+ people into the life of the Church. This General Conference voted to:
- Lift an existing denominational funding ban on supporting LGBTQ+ ministries and affirming LGBTQ+ education;
- Strike down a 40-year ban on “self-avowed practicing homosexual” pastors.
- Remove penalties for clergy or congregations holding same-sex weddings; and
- Initiate a moratorium on all judicial proceedings concerning human sexuality.
We give thanks for progress in the pursuit of justice and inclusion. May our connection grow in love, and may we seek new ways to be the body of Christ in a divided world. May this be a new day for those who’ve been harmed by our Church, and a new day for the kin-dom of God.
This country is made up of so many who escaped to the “promised land” from oppressive regimes. Throughout history, people have had to flee situations of horror. Even within our country and in our own time, there are those who live with oppression and fear. We seek to widen our understanding of what we must do to continue to work for liberation on so many fronts.
Rise up in us and we will rise
From death into a newfound life:
From bondage freed, from harm released,
From illness healed, as one in peace.
When all is lost our hearts are warmed,
Our hope restored, our lives transformed.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
Weekly scripture – Exodus 3:7-9, Psalm 146:6-9, & John 21:15
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